Category Archives: Shallow Moment

Burnt Offerings

Burnt Offerings

Burnt Toast

Guess who just got a visit from Virginia’s Finest? SOMEBODY who shall remain nameless, sacrificed toast to the convection gods and set the oven on fire. I called 911 and was hoping that they would just tell me what to do, instead they sent the whole fire brigade. which is, especially when the fire GOES OUT before they get there. Trust me, I’m grateful for their efficiency ……but………………………………………….. i have a confession……………………………………..i’m so ashamed…………..i. had. a. SHALLOW MOMENT: in the midst of me talking to the dispatcher, and shuttling the boy outside and away from the flames, I started to think about the manliness that was about to be delivered to my front door, FIRE MEN ARE FOINE! At the time the fire broke out I was in the middle of working out, and had on these knee length workout pants. Whilst outside waiting i stepped into the light of the street lamp looked down at my bare legs and, to my horror, what did i see? ASH, from the ankles up! I heard the trucks coming and knew it was now or never, i made a mad dash for the house, and dived for the lotion next to my bed. Two pumps and a couple swipes later I was back outside, on the curb looking appropriately distraught. (don’t judge me)

We’re ok, the fire was contained in the Toast-r-Oven and all is well. oh and the firemen were, very, very, very nice 😉

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